Live Event Monitoring
Focus on Physical Security
The primary purpose of the OSINT SOC for live event monitoring is to prevent the loss of life.
The physical safety of event attendees and participants remains paramount in our focused efforts of OSINT security analysis.
Internal physical safety events arise during live events which OSINT monitoring may also escalate.
Live event safety risks include gate crashing, crowd surges, environmental concerns such as severe heat or cold, lack of water or shade, fights, event opposition protests, and unpredictable concert accidents.
As internal security threats occur within an event, the OSINT SOC is able to include those issues on escalation channels.
The primary purpose of the OSINT SOC for live event monitoring is to prevent the loss of life.
The physical safety of event attendees and participants remains paramount in our focused efforts of OSINT security analysis.
Internal physical safety events arise during live events which OSINT monitoring may also escalate.
Live event safety risks include gate crashing, crowd surges, environmental concerns such as severe heat or cold, lack of water or shade, fights, event opposition protests, and unpredictable concert accidents.
As internal security threats occur within an event, the OSINT SOC is able to include those issues on escalation channels.
Active Monitoring
Recent domestic terror attacks in the United States were premeditated with public online indicators of threat posted in advance of the actual attack. In some cases, warnings were available online only a few hours prior to loss of life.
Our information monitoring strategy is hyper aware of the importance of analyzing data as soon as it is posted. We prioritize internal processes and intelligence tools which are able to provide as close to real-time online data ingestion as possible.
Non-Traditional Data Sources
The ProAlign OSINT SOC monitors and ingests data from non-traditional data sources such as niche social media platforms, advanced AI image analysis, and sentiment indicators.
Pre-event research is built into our live event monitoring to ensure we have tailored our areas of focus to likely sources of intel specific to the event.
Human Analysts
Our OSINT SOC utilizes human analysis in addition to automated tools. Our security posture does not rely on other intelligence feeds sorting data for us. The ProAlign OSINT methodology understands the importance of thorough review of online content in order to be the best possible life of defense against acts of violence.
There is no ego in the fight against physical security threats to a live event.
Our OSINT SOC analysts freely and openly share intelligence to event staff. Our event monitoring process is designed to vigilantly monitor communication channels to event security staff not only to escalate indicators of threat, but to tailor our investigative focus to the dynamic nature of live events. The priorities of the client may change during an event, and our staff is adaptable to those needs.
Information on the go.
Download your free whitepaper about our live event monitoring service today.